Once you have loaded your event in the CheckIn app, you can modify app settings at any time by tapping ‘Settings’ in the top right-hand corner.
- Update All Data: Select this to retrieve all the event data again, including screen savers, ticket types, options, etc. This should be used if a ticket type changes, for example. Note:when viewing the ticket list page (the first image above), you can do a swipe down motion with your finger, to refresh the list of tickets (e.g. if more tickets have been sold, you can refresh so those new tickets are accounted for in your app), without having torefresh all data.
- Update Event Configuration Data: Enable this to force the app to re-sync to your latest changes for ticket validity settings and ticket option settings.
- Advanced Security Settings: To configure when a password is required and PIN code access.
- Enable Always On Manual Entry: Enable this if you require your entry staff to manually input the first eight characters of a ticket ID to mark the ticket as 'checked in'. This mode will disable camera as a scanning method.
- General Setup: Modify the app behavior per the below options.
- Pointer Overlay: Enable this to show a screen overlay when the device is in scanning mode (to show where to position their ticket QR code).
- Check in Attendee on Registration: Enable this so that once a visitor registers their details on their ticket, they are automatically marked as ‘checked in’ to the event.
- Check in Attendee on Ticket Option Check in: Enable this so that a visitor is marked as ‘checked in’ to the event by default if any associated ticket options have been checked in.
Enable Hi-Def Video: Enable this only when your scanner is in a poorly lit environment and is struggling to scan ticket QR codes. This mode makes the camera far more sensitive, at the expense of device battery life. If using Hi Def Video mode, it is recommended that the device is connected to power or a battery pack during use.
Validate QR Codes: Load this setting when you need to check whether a customer's ticket is valid for entry. This setting will load a scanning mode. When the scanning mode loads, you can point the camera at the customer's ticket, and it will tell you three things after successfully scanning a ticket:
Whether the ticket is valid (a green tick will appear) or invalid (a red cross will appear). The validation is checking whether the scanned ticket is a genuine ticket for the event you have loaded in the CheckIn app.
The Ticket ID ( a long string of random letters and numbers)
- The Ticket Type name.