Configure your LeadGen package

Configure your LeadGen package

A welcome email with links to complete EventsPass account creation will be sent from either the show organizer or from EventsPass directly. The video example below shows an invitation from EventsPass directly.



Click the ‘SIGN IN link on your EventsPass welcome email, or sign in to your existing EventPass account. 

Note: Vendors are invited onto the EventsPass LeadGen system only once an event organiser has partnered with EventsPass for their ticketing and registration needs.
Note: The initial form setup process must be done via an internet browser (i.e., not in the EventsPass LeadGen app found in the iOS app store). A full (non-mobile) browser is recommended for this initial process.

If it is your first sign-in, you will also need to set a password.

From your dashboard, your LeadGen status will indicate 'INACTIVE' (not ready for scanning on-site). Click this tile to configure your package.

Choose a package that best suits your booth/company and your goals. Learn how to get the most out of to LeadGen here.

Note: Available packages vary for each event.

Scroll down and add any optional extras you need to go along with your package.

Note: This is a great step to consider the most important information you need to capture about visitors during the event. All LeadGen forms ask name, email, and contact number by default, but you might consider whether you require additional questions (i.e., for qualifying your leads or to facilitate a competition or prize draw). Typical add-ons include custom questions and additional device logins (allowing more of your booth staff to scan at the same time during your event). Note: Available addons vary across events.

Note: All LeadGen forms have built in ‘notes’ and ‘rating’ functionality, allowing your staff to go back and edit any relevant points about your leads at any time. There is no need to purchase additional custom questions to allow for a ‘staff notes’ field.

Once satisfied, click 'Save and next'.

Scroll down and complete the billing and payment details.


Click 'Pay' once all credit card fields have green text. This will finalize your order.

Once payment is successful you can proceed with configuring your package (below). Please complete the necessary fields for your on-site booth contact. Also consider customizing your form screensaver, success message, and T&C's (all optional).

If you purchased additional custom questions, you can learn how to add these here.

Then click 'Save Changes'. Once your configuration has been saved, click 'Done' to return to your dashboard.

When you return to your dashboard, you should now see a 'Manage Leadgen Package' button. If you see this your account is ready and you can now sign into the LeadGen app to get ready to start scanning. This button will also indicate how many devices you can use for simultaneous lead scanning during your event ('3' in the example shown below).  A new button will also appear, which allows you to export your leads to a CSV file form at any time. Learn more about exporting your leads here.

 This concludes your Leadgen package configuration.

A confirmation email with next steps will be delivered to the email you saved at the purchase step above (example below).

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