Note: The Screensaver is only applicable when the CheckIn app is being used in ‘Kiosk’ mode (where scanning devices are set up in a fixed location, allowing attendees to self-scan and register their own tickets).
Load your EventsPass event dashboard by visiting, logging in and selecting your event.
Click the ‘ Tickets & Registration’ tab.
Scroll down, and under the ‘Manage’ tab, click ‘Kiosk Screen Saver ’.
Note: If the button is not visible, the screensaver has not been enabled on your event. Please contact the EventsPass team to enable the screensaver functionality on your event: .
Click ‘Select Image’ and upload a suitable screensaver image. The recommended image dimensions are 1536 x 1536 pixels. At minimum, your image should be perfectly square. Anything smaller than the recommended size will be scaled up (stretched to fit).
Then, click ‘Save’ to complete the process.