Sort or re-arrange your Ticket Options and Ticket Options categories

Sort or re-arrange your Ticket Options and Ticket Options categories

To adjust the order of your Ticket Options or Ticket Options categories (the order in which they are shown to customers going through the checkout process):
  1. Log in to your EventsPass account and select your event
  2. Click the 'Tickets & Registration' tab
  3. Click the 'Ticket Options' tab
  4. Click the 'Manage Ticket Options' button
  5. Click 'Manage Ticket Options Categories' and your Ticket Option categories will be shown
    1. Click and drag each category up or down into your desired order
    2. Click 'Sort Ticket Options' against a given category to see all Ticket Options within that category. Click and drag each Ticket Option up or down into your desired order.
  6. Click 'Save' to complete the process.