View or edit the details of an individual transaction (e.g. update billing details, void tickets, download tickets, re-send tickets)

View or edit the details of an individual transaction (e.g. update billing details, void tickets, download tickets, re-send tickets)

Update a customer's billing details

From your event dashboard, open the Ticket Sales summary.

Search for the appropriate transaction or customer name.

Click on the Transaction ID for that customer.

You will find the billing information in the top left.

You may edit the email or contact number. Click the ‘Modify’ button to edit as needed.



Void a customer's tickets

Void a ticket to mark a ticket as no longer valid for entry to your event. Only free tickets may be voided. 

To do so, from your event dashboard, open the Ticket Sales summary.

Search for the appropriate transaction or customer name.

Click on the Transaction ID for that customer.

Check the tickets that you wish to void (these tickets will not be valid when scanned by the CheckIn app).

Click ‘Void Tickets’, then click ‘OK’ to confirm.

Wait for the ‘Successfully Saved’ notification and the process is then complete.

Note: Refunding paid tickets is addressed in another help article.

Download or resend a customer's tickets

If a customer needs assistance accessing their tickets, you can manually download them from your event dashboard, or trigger a resend of the ticket confirmation email (to go to the customer).

To resend the customer's tickets, from your event dashboard, open the Ticket Sales summary.

Search for the appropriate transaction or customer name.

Click on the Transaction ID for that customer.

Click 'Re-send Tickets'.

To download the customer's tickets, from your event dashboard, repeat the same steps as above until you see the customer's transaction ID view. 

Then under the 'Action' column, click the icon that looks like a PDF (below). This will prompt your web browser to download the ticket in PDF format.

Repeat as needed for each of the customer tickets as required.