What happens if there’s no Wi-Fi, I lose internet or my scanning device goes offline?

What happens if there’s no Wi-Fi, I lose internet or my scanning device goes offline?

You require internet connectivity to sign in to your leadGen account on the LeadGen app. However, the LeadGen app can continue collecting leads when it is not connected to the internet. If one of your scanning devices goes offline, then any leads scanned while offline will not appear on other devices until it can connect to the internet, and your app is logged in to your event. Any leads scanned while the device is offline should be synced via an internet connection as soon as practically possible (if a device is stolen, broken or permanently lost, then any leads on this 'offline device' cannot be retrieved).

Note: offline LeadGen will always scan tickets as unregistered – that is, the core fields (name, email, phone) will appear on scan for completion. Once connectivity is re-established, the data will sync and merge. This redundancy is to ensure that any time offline is not wasted and to ensure data received is saved.
It is best practice to ensure that as many of your scanning devices are connected to the internet for as much of the event as possible, as this ensures any captured leads are synced to your account ASAP.
It is recommended that you ensure all devices have synced all leads after your event is finished. Please do not delete the LeadGen app or clear the app cache until you are sure this has been completed.