Top tips to make the most out of LeadGen at your event

Top tips to make the most out of LeadGen at your event

Top Tips

1. Define your lead capture goal

Determine what is most important to your business and work backwards from there. For example, some vendors want to maximize the volume of leads, so they may opt to run a competition or special prize drawing with plenty of signage as a strategy to entice visitors to scan at their booth.  Other vendors may prefer to focus on capturing high value pre-qualified leads, so in this scenario the vendor may opt to engage in conversation one-on-one, and only invite those with a perceived genuine interest to scan at their booth.

2. Determine the quantity of lead scanning devices

Consider the amount of traffic, and the number of staff you expect to have in your booth at any given time to determine the number of scanning devices you will need.  The EventsPass team recommend you match the number of devices with the maximum number of booth staff you plan to have in your booth at any one time, since coordinating devices on-the-go with colleagues can be disruptive to any conversations you may be having with booth visitors.


3. Brief staff early

We recommend that you give your on-site staff an early heads up, ideally at least 3 days prior to the event commencing, that you are running the LeadGen system in your booth. This gives staff a chance to download LeadGen to their own devices and log in to the app before the event starts (see here).  Be sure to share your account login details (username and password) with booth staff as this is what they will use to sign in to the LeadGen app. 


4. Create striking signage

If you have incentivized visitors to scan at your booth (for example a chance to win something, a free consultation, a free quote, or other similar enticements), then it is a great idea to create some in-booth signage to go along with this campaign. Striking signage can be a great way to encourage visitors to engage and ask you questions, which opens more opportunities for you to scan their tickets with LeadGen.

Your LeadGen device type matters

The devices you bring on-site can significantly impact your LeadGen performance. Different strategies can be employed depending on your specific goals at your event. Some examples are illustrated below.

Note: LeadGen is a bring your own device (BYOD) product. Unless stated otherwise, LeadGen does not come included with any hardware included (see compatible devices). Please contact us if you would like a referral to our hardware rental partner. 

Freestanding Kiosks
Best for highest quantity of leads (lowest booth staff effort required)

Desk/Bench Mount Kiosks
Best for highest quantity of leads (some booth staff effort required at times)

Handheld LeadGen devices
Best for highest quality leads (more onus on booth staff to engage and qualify booth visitors and perform scan action)

EventsPass recommends 1 device per booth staffer when using handheld hardware.


A case study (best practice LeadGen execution)

The below exhibitor made the most of LeadGen with clear and striking signage, a targeted prize incentive to draw in relevant customers, and a kiosk setup (pictured on the right) to allow attendees to self-scan while booth staff were busy with other attendees.


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