Checklist before you start scanning leads (attendees) at your event

Checklist before you start scanning leads (attendees) at your event

Before you start scanning leads at your event using the LeadGen app, please consider each of the following:

1) Have your devices got enough battery to get through your event? Consider the need for battery packs or a powered connection. Keep the brightness at a maximum of 50%. And when using handheld scanning devices, turn the screen off while not in use

2) Have you briefed your booth staff? Make sure they are all aware of how LeadGen can help drive more ROI for your company at this event.

3) Have you provided your Leadgen account login to your booth staff? All scanning devices will need to be logged in using the same login details used for your vendor portal.

4) Have you got signage or collateral to drive interest at your booth? It's not essential, but good signage has a significantly positive impact on lead capture performance. See here for top tips to get the most out of LeadGen.

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