To successfully implement this configuration, please ensure you have met all pre-requisites:
- Your event has vendors who will be 'redeeming' the vouchers from the ticket holders over the course of the event (and those vendors already exist in your EventsPass event). Please see here for help with this: Invite a vendor into your event in EventsPass.
- Your event has multi-buy ticket options assigned to the ticket types that your vendors will be able to scan (e.g. a beer festival ticket might be configured with "10x Drink Coupons" included as a multi-buy ticket option). Please see here for help with this: Step 4a (Optional) - Add Ticket Options to your tickets.
- Each vendor is equipped with at least one device each on their stand or booth that is compatible with the EventsPass LeadGen app (see here: What hardware and software do I need to run LeadGen?), so they can scan attendee tickets (for redemption purposes).
There are two key steps to ensure that vendors can redeem multi-buy ticket options:
- Vendors that will be redeeming options must have an active LeadGen form
- You must assign the multi-buy ticket options that each vendor is eligible to redeem
These steps are covered below.
For the redemption function to work (for vendors logged in to the EventsPass LeadGen app), their account must have an 'Active' form in your EventsPass event (shown in the example below). The form settings do not matter, the vendor must simply have an 'Active' status like that shown below.
To manually create and activate a vendor form on their behalf, load the 'Manage Vendor Forms' menu.
Click 'Add New Vendor Form'
Select the vendor you wish to configure.
Then please choose an available package.

Note: packages differ on an event-by-event basis. If you believe you should have access to a complimentary package and it is not available at this step, please contact the EventsPass team to discuss your options.
Scroll to the bottom of the page (ignore all optional extras) and click 'Save and next'.
Check the field to accept the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, then click 'Done'.
You will be taken to the Payment Summary and Form Creation page (below). Once again this content only applies to a vendor when they are using LeadGen to capture leads from attendees, so if this does not apply to you, simply scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'Save Changes'.
...keep scrolling...
After you click 'Save Changes', wait a few moments and then click 'Back'.
When prompted, click 'Yes' to acknowledge that you want to proceed.
You will return to the 'Manage LeadGen Forms' summary page and you should see your vendor now showing with an 'Active' form.
Repeat this process for all vendors you want to enable multi-buy ticket option redemption for, and ensure they each have the 'Active' status.
Assign the multi-buy ticket options that each vendor is eligible to redeem

Note: The guide below outlines how to assign tickets to individual vendors. Please note that while bulk importing vendors to your event, you can now assign the ticket options that should be redeemable to that batch of vendors. So if all vendors will be permitted to redeem the same set of multi-buy ticket options at your event, then this bulk import option may be a faster way to configure your vendors.
See here: Bulk invite multiple vendors onto your event (for LeadGen and/or to provide vendor staff passes)
Return to the 'Manage LeadGen Forms' page (below). Then click the 'Ticket Options' button that is next to the vendor you wish to assign ticket options to.
Click 'Assign Ticket Options'
Check the multi-buy tickets options (which you will have configured earlier), that you want to allow this vendor the redeem during the course of your event. For example, you may have a food truck vendor and may therefore only allow them to redeem a 'Food Coupon' ticket option. The configuration here will depend entirely on the nature of your event.
Once satisfied with your selections, click 'Save'.
You will return to the 'Manage LeadGen Forms' view and the vendor is now set up for ticket option redemption at your event.
Repeat this process for ALL vendors that you wish to permit ticket option redemption at your event.